Self-Destroying Art
The Flux Factory
by Gordon Fitch
— Read about it here .... — .
by Robert Sievert
(Susan Roecker: Spirochetes)
Peekskill is a sleepy little town up the Hudson
River that has undergone decline, renovation and
rebirth. It has a real Americana charm. Once a
middle-class suburb it is now a burgeoning art
community. There is artist housing, and new
galleries all set in a prewar town filled with
vintage storefronts that inspire images of a
former America. But the 21st Century has moved in
and Galleries such as Innovative Arts are ready to
supply upper Westchester with a hip bohemia and
cultural focus.
— More here .... — .
by Robert Sievert
Colorful guests packed EXIT ART opening night
EXIT ART is a gallery that has been around for 27
years. It had a space downtown where they specialized
in fringe art, art that was out of the mainstream.
Now Exit Art has morphed into "arts center" that
has a space on 10th Avenue and 36th St. This was
the site for a new show, ALTERNATIVE HISTORIES,
that opened September 24, 2010.
The point of the show was to document the ALTERNATIVE
CULTURE of the past 50 years. . . .
— More here .... — .
by Tony Scherman and David Dalton
Reviewed by Robert Sievert
I remember in or around 1975 going to
OK Harris to
see Andy Warhol's show of large 'political'
paintings of Mao and his 'Hammer And Sickles'
wanting to hate them, but resigned that they were
just too good to disparage. Warhol had made
serious painting irrelevant, which annoyed me.
Reading this book was quite a revelation.
— Continued here .... — .
Andy Warhol: The Last Decade
What do you do after you've overthrown everyone's
notions of art back to the Parthenon, impugned
Western Civilization, and caused assassinations
and revolutions? Or are alleged to have done so,
greatly to your sales advantage if not your artistic
-- Find out
— Here .... — .
(Coming soon: A review of Pop: The Genius of Andy Warhol,
a new biography chronicling Warhol's rise to fame and fortune.)
NINE at Saugerties
Jeffrey Schiller: welded steel sculpture
by Robert Sievert
Our intrepid editor went to Saugerties to see 'Nine',
an exhibition of nine artists at the Clove Church.
Our editor in a church?
— More here .... — .
Nicolas Carone, 1917 - 2010

Nick Carone with students (1959)
by Robert Sievert
Nicolas Carone died on July 15, 2010. He was a
supremely talented artist and influential teacher.
He has had 3 major showings of his work in the
last three years and has easily risen to the ranks
of major practitioner of American Abstract
— More .... — .
Dead Flowers
— Read about it now! .... — .
Book Review:
A Painter's Life
by K.B.Dixon
book cover of "A Painter's Life"
by Robert Sievert
If you live in New York and are familiar with the
art world you may think that it is something goes
on only in the big towns. K.B. Dixon's A Painter's
Life belies such thoughts with an interesting
account of a fictional painter, Christopher Freeze.
The book is set as a series of notes by
Christopher Freeze. It reveals the ongoing life
of an artist living in parts of America's West,
first Phoenix, then the Northwest. The notes are
like diary entries; then there are excerpts of
various reviews and sections of "unpublished
— More .... — .
Bill Jensen at Cheim and Read
Bill Jensen: Linen
by Juan Seoane Cabral
— Read the article here.... — .
Richard LaPresti at The Bowery Gallery
by Robert Sievert
Richard LaPresti's current show at the Bowery
Gallery(March 30-April 24) is a revival of many
familiar themes.
For many years this artist has
stuck to subject matter in which he is obviously
comfortable and free to work. Self-portraits,
landscapes and (my personal favorites) his beach
scenes which I believe first started to appear
in the 70's.
more.... — .
Pinhole Camera Pictures
by Robert Sievert
I have been admiring the pin hole photography that
I have been seeing as the results of the workshops
John Skelson has been doing at the
Art Lab (Snug
Harbor, Staten Island).
First there was a raucous shot of Times Square
that he showed at an exhibit at the Art Lab. There
is a distinct feeling of unreal light generated by
all the neon and glare of the theater signs.
By minimizing the details the overall aura of the
shot is allowed to take prominence. Skelson has
figured out how to use a high end digital camera
to produce pin hole images.
Phyllis Featherstone has been working with Skelson
and has produced some rather remarkable images.
Her shot of some bottles really bought to mind the
writings of Aldous Huxley. In Doors Of Perception
he talks about seeing the "Dharma Body", the
essential aspect of an object that is seen once
the mind is cleared of superficial identities.
That is what I think is so compeling about these
They are closer to visions than ordinary
photography. They eschew the mundane for the
— more pictures.... — .
Peter Halley at Mary Boone Gallery
by Robert Sievert
An intellectual jolt of color theory in the recent
Bauhaus exhibit at MOMA was followed by the
discovery of Peter Halley's work at the Mary Boone
Gallery this month (Feb 13 - March 20) Halley has
been painting geometric images for the last decade.
His most recent work opens up the dimension of
— more — .
drawings at the Met
by Robert Sievert
Several interesting things emerge when one visits
the Bronzino exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum
(now through April 17). One thing is the scarcity
of paper at the disposal of Renaissance artists.
These drawings (60 of the known 62) are mostly
done on letter-sized pages; many spaces are filled
with more than one image. . . .
— more — .
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