by Robert Sievert


Richard La Presti

I am a long time Richard La Presti fan. I have always loved his paintings of figures on the beach and other image intense paintings he generates. In his new landscapes, so elegantly displayed in the new Bowery Gallery on W25th St., many houses tumble down a hill in painterly style that talks as much about American Abstraction as it does Cezaane.

Gina Werfel

There was something very satisfying about Gina Werfel's new work at Prince Street Gallery. Her paintings have a rich loosely applied painterly enthusiasm. Her gestural comments on landscape vary in tightness and form but there is constancy to light and spatial placement.

Vi Hall

Veteran New York Street Artist exhibited masks and constructions in Mystic Conneticut. Zany, whimsical and utterly creative.

Richard Castellana

Showed relaxed warm paintings that managed to create an appealing intimacy at Bowery Gallery in April


And finally...

Whatever possessed Robert Miller Gallery to put up an Alice Neal painting prominently in the Phillip Pearlstein Show. True it was a portrait of Dorthy Pearlstein but it stole the show, It's vivid presence make the lifeless Pearlsteins look deader.


  Copyright © 2001 Robert Sievert